Estella's Place

"Children raised in abusive homes learn that violence is an appropriate way to solve conflict. These children are more likely than their peers to be in abusive intimate partner relationships in the future, either as victims or perpetrators"

Estella’s Place is the Walk-In Centre which is accessible to children and their parents, teenagers, young adults, male or female victims who have been victims or have been affected by domestic abuse.  Families or individuals can gain access to our programmes and services including individual or group counselling and support group sessions. In addition, the TAYA (Teens and Young Adults) Lounge is open to at-risk youth to provide a safe and supportive environment where they can interact and make social and emotional connections with their peers.

Our walk-in hours are currently by appointment only. To schedule an appointment for Estella’s Place, please email or call (345) 623-4825.

To continue to provide these programmes we need the funds.